Engineering Congress 2020: Shifting Gears Towards a Reliable, Sustainable, and Smarter Mobility

Continuing the legacy on its 15th year, the Engineering Congress is now opening its doors for delegates wanting to learn more about engineering, to challenge their knowledge on engineering basics, and to win as much as 70,000 pesos!

Engineering Congress is an annual two-day nationwide event featuring the Engineering Seminar and the Executives’ Challenge. Organized by one of the premiere student organizations of the Philippines, Civil engineering Executive Organization, the Congress will be held on February 8-9, 2020 at the University of the Philippines- Los Baños. To continue last year’s discussion on urban planning and development, this year’s Engineering Seminar will revolve around the theme: “Shifting Gears: Optimizing the Philippine Urban Transportation System Towards a Reliable, Sustainable, and Smarter Mobility” focusing on the development of the transportation system in the Philippines. Engineering Seminar 2020 is a conference open to engineering students and professionals all over the country. 

Held on the second day of the Congress, Executives’ Challenge is a national intercollegiate quiz contest for engineering students with prior knowledge in engineering science. The Challenge returns as teams from various colleges and universities buckle up in order to become the emerging victor. Easily one of the biggest prizes to be offered by a student organization, a total of 110,000 pesos is up for taking! Are you ready to accept the challenge and take the road to victory?

As we strive to promote academic, social, and professional excellence in our respective careers, we invite you to the ENGINEERING CONGRESS 2020! Come and join us in fulfilling our vision this February 8-9, 2020 and witness the new face of the Congress! For inquiries , contact us via mobile (0917 320 8935) or via email (