Biggest LGBT Party (GLAMM 2) at the Metro held in Cove Manila

Last July 20, Cove Manila held its first-ever LGBTQ+ community party. It was dubbed, “GLAMM”, short for Gays, Lesbians And Many More. People of different gender preferences gathered altogether in the state-of-the-art night club of Cove Manila to celebrate freedom and love. It was indeed a very successful and unforgettable moment for everyone who attended, hence the feedbacks of awesome experiences were all over the internet!

GLAMM was not only focused on throwing a party where attendees drink and dance all night, it was more of solidifying the community’s bond and lending a helping hand to LoveYourself.PH, our partnered organization for self-awareness and protection against HIV. This has made an impact to Cove Manila’s target audience and for sure has delivered the targeted message.

In addition, everyone was entertained by groups of astounding performances including drag queen shows, ledge dancers and excellent DJs who altogether hyped up the night! Fun and GAYmes were enjoyed by everyone who participated, plus prizes were given! No doubt why everybody had full smiles on their faces!

Thus, everyone left the venue with joyful and proud hearts! Due to the event’s success, GLAMM will be holding its second volume on October 19, 2019 with BIGGER entertainment! For sure, it’s going to be another Saturday of love, pride, celebration of success, oneness and acceptance. See you all, GLAMMorous people!