WATCH: At-home workouts to get you back into your routine after summer


If your vacation meant taking a break from your regular workout program, you might be struggling to get back into the habit after a holiday. To help you re-establish a daily routine, we round up some of the popular multiple-day workout challenges on YouTube, which will build you up slowly and help you get back up to speed in just a month.

Yoga with Adriene

Adriene Mishley, the hugely popular yogi behind Yoga with Adriene, runs a 30-day yoga challenge every January to get you back into the swing of things after the Christmas break. It works just as well post-vacation, and is great for beginners who want to start yoga or those who already practice but need to get back into it. All of the past 30-day challenges can be found on her YouTube channel.

Day 1 - Ease Into It - 30 Days of Yoga

Yoga with Tim

In the same style as Adriene, Tim Senesi runs some 30-day challenges on his YouTube channel, Yoga with Tim. They are slightly more challenging than Adriene’s, so they are a good choice for more experienced yogis, but Tim still offers some alternative postures for more beginner levels. Each video also builds on the last, so you can work your way up slowly. As most are around 35 minutes in length, they are fairly easy to fit into your day.

Total Body Yoga Workout Flow Strengthen & Stretch | Yoga With Tim


If yoga is not your thing then husband and wife duo Daniel and Kelli focus on more intense and weightlifting workouts on their YouTube channel and website, FitnessBlender. Rather than offering 30-day challenges, they do just five days, which is better suited to the intensity of the workouts. Many focus on burning fat and building strength with workouts lasting just under one hour, but there is a program for busy people if you are short on time or a beginner looking for something to ease you in.

Lean with Lilly

Physiotherapist Lilly Sabri specializes in high-intensity interval training and pilates on her Lean with Lilly channel. Visit her channel for a choice of workout programs, including a 14-day abs workout, and a 30-day fitness challenge, which will take you through a different set of muscles and workouts each day to challenge the whole body.

She also does many of the exercises in her own home, showing you don not need to head to the gym or studio to get an effective workout. RGA/JB


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