Our lolos and lolas can also lord over on Tiktok this Grandparents Day

One of the things we owe our advancement in technology is that we are now closer to each other than ever before. Now, our loved ones can see the creative ways we spend our time online—creating awesome content, that is—and be updated with what’s happening in our lives. An awesome idea to always be connected because lolos and lolas (grandparents) miss their apos (grandchildren) in a whole another level.

But do you ever wonder what they think of the creative things we do on Tiktok? In this special Grandparents Day video created by the InqPOP! team, a lola’s honest but funny reactions to her apo’s videos was filmed. In the end, Lola Crispina was also challenged to make her very first TikTok video with the help of her granddaughter, Anj. This is proof that TikTok is such a fun and easy-to-use social media platform that even our grannies can enjoy.

Lola – 1, Tiktoker Apo – 0