Pioneer PLUS: Progressive Leadership Unleashing Sustainability

Pioneer is an annual event organized by the UP Business Management Society that aims to empower the young entrepreneurs by allowing them to maximize their skills and talents. It aids them to see a wider perspective of the world of business left to be explored. It provides an avenue for the delegates to be inspired by the renowned speakers seasoned in their respective fields in the business industry and learn from their craft. 

Aside from the inspiring talks from the speakers, Pioneer also provides the students an opportunity to show their hidden skills and talents in generating entrepreneurial ideas and selling them to potential investors through a business pitch simulation contest, Mind the Product. It puts the players’ decision-making and marketing skills to the test. Players must come up with a useful but unique product/service based on the specific sector handed out to them.

This year’s theme is Pioneer Plus: Progressive Leadership Unleashing Sustainability. This event aims to be an opportunity for business-related students to attend a conference about their field, to inspire students to start their own business and guide them on managing businesses in the long run, to change their perspective from that of a consumer to an innovative producer, and, hopefully, to share ideas and lessons that they do not encounter within the four corners of the classroom.

Pioneer 2019 will be held on the 13th of July 2019 at Our Lady of Fatima University Auditorium. Learn what it takes to be a progressive leader and redefine what sustainability means in the world of business through this event!