Behold the new cultures of social media

There’s no doubt social media is a powerful tool. We may have our cute cats, meme forwards, trolls, and real and fake news. We have distortion, crazy comments and rants, and a wide world of educational information too.

But one other major phenomenon raised by Social Media is a newfound awareness, and thus, the creation of many new groups.

via pixabay

We’ve seen a large rise of people who have become more socially involved in the environment thanks to posts on water shortages, forest depletion, pollution, and garbage. We’ve also seen the human spirit rise and plant tens of millions of trees in India, Pakistan, and China. We’ve seen the massive clean up of the beach area of Manila Bay, as a local recognition of change. We’ve seen a new trend of people posting before and after pictures of places cleaned up through the trend #trashtag. I would also like to commend a large rise in dietary groups. We have the vegans growing at a very fast rate, as more and more people become empathic towards animals. There are also keto diets, paleo diets, and heck, so many more diets on the rise.

 Indeed, people see good ideas and share it, but when people see distorted ideas, they get shared too. Indeed we’ve seen a lot of hate, we’ve seen a lot of anger over sentiments and others. There can be distortions of thought, and while we are creating unity, the obvious divisions start to surface.

 We’ve also seen a rise of people from conspiracies. The flat earthers are now in the millions worldwide. You’d be surprised at the science they have to present. You better know your science though before you dwell into their articles, for it all sounds very convincing if you don’t know any better.

 We’ve got friends who are Atheists, Agnostic, Satanists, Apologetics, the traditional religions are there with their new twists and interesting reinterpretations. We’ve got it all.

 We’ve got more heated discussions with gender, transgender, trans age, and who knows what will come up next.

 Everyone’s voices are getting heard, everyone’s thoughts are getting shared. We’re starting to discover that we are at the infancy of the knowledge we thought we know. The science we knew changes and we discover more.

 In the midst of the chaos known as the internet, sharing and shaming on hours and hours, we discover more. We learn more about ourselves, we learn to rethink everything. We become involved, or aloof, or both.

 But what comes to the core is that this world is one exciting place. Make friends with everyone regardless of belief. Believe in what you truly believe in, and not what others tell you to believe. It is your life.

 Love everyone across cultures, genders, and intelligence. Take the time to see that while the world is different, and we’re all different, deep down, we’re all actually the same group of crazy adventurers believing in what we think is right.

That’s the key, what we think is right. Until we discover the truth, let’s respect the truth others believe in too.

Browse online, and share what you discover. Read the other side and make your point. Tomorrow it may change, and it will. Be open for the next adventure. InqPOP! Creator Community/Haresh Daswani

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