This inflatable installation will kick you out of the shower to save water

We all have that inconsiderate family member, friend, or roommate who uses the shower way too long every morning — and doesn’t really care for the person using it next. But more than that, they don’t even care about the results of using too much water on their monthly bill.

If you have trouble with these kinds of people or you just want to save water during bath time, then fear no more, because Spiky’ is here!

Spiky refers to the set of plastic spikes that will inflate and kick you out of the shower when you exceed the four-minute bathing period.

Photo Credit: Laughing Squid

London-based artist, Elisabeth Buecher created the “shower curtain” to save time and water. She said that it is a “design for pain and for our own good.”

Although Spiky is just an art installation, Buecher explains that it aims to initiate a debate about water shortage and make people more aware of their consumption – in addition to making people more considerate of the bathing time of others.


Through this kind of awareness, we are not only saving money, but we are also conserving our environment and energy. Because according to Balance Small Business, “if people reduce their water usage, they will also reduce the energy required to the process and delivering it to homes, businesses, farms, and communities, which [in turn] will help reduce pollution and conserve fuel resources.”

Therefore, the ‘shower curtain art installation’ of Elisabeth Buecher needs to happen in reality, because this will help people save water and the environment. /FM

InqPOP! Creator Community/ Geline R. Lumunsad 


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