You can now enable ‘dark mode’ in Messenger so people can’t easily peek at your messages

It’s hard on the eyes when you’re fast asleep and you suddenly wake up to check a message you received—thinking it might be an important one or from someone you’ve been waiting to reply. That sudden flash of brightness causes discomfort in the eyes and could somehow lead to serious problems when exposed for too long. And aside from the health risks of your phone emitting a blinding level of brightness, there’s also a chance that the person next to you could easily read your messages while peeking at your phone’s screen.

Good thing, there’s now a way you can chat through the night that’s both safer for your eyes and from the chismosa next to you trying to see what you and your friends have been chatting about. Facebook Messenger recently launched a new feature called “dark mode” that’s easier on the eyes as it switches the white background to black. It lowers the brightness while maintaining contrast and vibrancy and is ideal for use in low light situations.

To enable dark mode, all you have to do is send a crescent moon emoji (🌙) in any Messenger chat to unlock the setting and a prompt to turn on dark mode.

Upon the global launch of the dark mode, some got pretty excited about the new feature and found it as a more eye-friendly user interface.

Others weren’t much of a fan.

Some even prefer “dark nights” over dark mode.

And apparently, if you’re an iPhone user, there’s a way for you to change all your apps into dark mode.


via Tenor