LOOK: Russian artist creates paintings featuring ‘Pepe the Frog’ meme

If Michaelangelo was one of the greatest masters of the Italian Renaissance era, then Russian artist Olga Vishnevsky is this generation’s “Pepelangelo”.  It’s because all of her paintings feature Pepe the Frog–which is a popular yet controversial internet meme. 

Before the Internet introduced us to different versions of Pepe, this green anthropoid frog first appeared in Boy’s Club, a comic book created by Matt Furie. Since then, it has been shared millions of times across the Internet–which gave Vishnevsky enough reason to turn these memes into some “legit” paintings.

Below are samples of Pepe the Frog in oil canvas: 

Image credit: Olga Vishnevsky
Image credit: Olga Vishnevsky
Image credit: Olga Vishnevsky
Image credit: Olga Vishnevsky
Image credit: Olga Vishnevsky

If you find Vishnevsky’s paintings amazing, you could check out her Instagram page to see more of her Pepe creations.


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