Channel the Youth in You: YouthHack brings Technopreneurship Bootcamp Series 2018

There’s always gonna be another mountain
I’m always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose
Ain’t about how fast I get there
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side–it’s the climb

Familiar? Of course, you are! No one would have forgotten Miley Cyrus’ inspirational pop song The Climb, released in 2009. This song was about a young person finding her purpose and battling the barriers of achieving her very goal. This is quite similar to our experience as part of the youth. With a lot going on, multiple opportunities and competition, we seem to have a hard time when it comes to navigating the path we desire to take.

Surely, as part of the youth, we know how pivotal and impactful ourselves are when it comes to contributing to national development. Hence, with the dynamic nature of the global arena, we should gear ourselves with the best arsenal in town, that is, through enhancing and perfecting skills which can ride along the demand of the country and the economy.

Good news is, we’ve got something for you to channel that youthful potential and guide you throughout your climb.

This September 21, the YouthHack CALABARZON will bring us another round of the Technopreneurship Bootcamp Series in University of Perpetual Help Molino from 9AM to 5PM. This event aims to inspire students create innovative solutions, in spite of scarcity in resources to their localities through expanding their knowledge on technology and entrepreneurship.

What’s in it for YOUth?

Because of globalization and easier flow of technology, this youth’s generation has been exposed to various technology and high-end computers that can perform complicated tasks, making our lives easier and even more promising. Nevertheless, it is more than the dreamy stuff about it—youth can actually earn from it.

The startup industry in the Philippines has been booming with various companies offering multiple ingenious products and services for the market to choose from. In an article published by Forbes online on August 9 last year, they featured three of Manila’s most talented young entrepreneurs explaining why Philippines startup businesses thrive. Moreover, in a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (2017), Philippine Startup Survey reveals that 94% of respondents initiated their startup business because of viable idea/product. Therefore, with the youth’s potential to spawn great ideas, startup business should really be introduced to them.

However, to date, there’s a long way to go before these opportunities are widespread throughout the country. YouthHack envisions to bring these programs to different provinces through the 2018 Technopreneurship Bootcamp Series.

What will happen in the event?

Technopreneurship Bootcamp Series 2018 will introduce you to the concept of Technopreneurship—how it works, its historical background, contribution to the Philippines, etc. Cases will also be presented.

Various workshops will also be conducted to equip the attendees with necessary knowledge and skills about startup business, of course through utilizing today’s technology.

Aside from this, a plenary discussion will be held to engage dialogue between participants and key persons such as some of the country’s top seed CEOs of startup businesses.