Tokyo women’s university will now be accepting transwomen students

For the first time ever in Japan, a university will be accepting students who identify as women regardless of their legal family registry, as reported by the Asahi Shimbun.

Ochanomizu University’s new rule will be taking effect by the fiscal year 2020, and it will also be “the first among the two Japan’s state-run women’s universities” to do so, according to the university.

Ochanomizu University

“It is desirable that many universities take steps in the direction of understanding the needs of sexual minorities, though making such a decision is up to each university,” said an education ministry official to the Agence France-Presse.

The university will be holding a press conference in the near future to release details about the rule change.

Hooray to Japan! 🌈   InqPOP!/Bea Constantino

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