Ever notice the adorable working dogs in hotels and malls that you want to pet but can’t because they’re busy doing their mission in protecting people? Well, did you know that they spend half their lives serving us humans for security? However, there are no laws in the Philippines that ensure these dogs a healthy home after their retirement.

Thankfully, the local institutionalized organization Hound Haven has made it their mission to create a program and advocacy to cater to these dogs’ needs. According to the organization, their main goal is to “to influence public policy and replicate Robby’s Law (United States of America H.R. 5314) in the country, which promotes the transfer and adoption of working dogs at the end of their service.”

“After all, for man’s best friend, no medal could ever replace the comfort of home and the love of family,” they added.
The dogs that are in their shelter are retired working dogs such as Military Working Dogs that are usually hired by the government, like the Philippine Army. They also take care of Contract Working Dogs, which are the dogs that serve commercial establishments like malls and hotels. These K-9 dogs work for about 8-15 years, more than half, if not even all their lives.
Hound Haven “cares for and rehabilitates retired working dogs. During their stay at the Hound Haven center, they undergo behavioral training (and physical training if it is recommended by our partner vets),” so that these dogs can be ready just in time for you to adopt them.
If you’re not ready to have the responsibility of adopting these retired dogs, there are still other ways to help! Currently, Hound Haven accepts monetary donations and in-kind donations such as dog food, daily vitamins, crates, and cleaning and hygiene products. You can also sponsor these dogs, which is a long-term donation over a specific period of time, and with a specific amount of donation.
And of course, you can also help as a volunteer with their day-to-day operations. You can sign-up through this form, and they will train you to become one of their Hound Rangers.
For more information, go visit their website at houndhavenph.org. Let’s keep those tails wagging! <3 InqPOP!/Bea Constantino
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