WATCH: Bandai Namco releases Jump Force trailer, teases Naruto, Goku, Luffy in fantastic gameplay

During the much-awaited Microsoft E3 launch held Tuesday, Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia revealed its newest upcoming game–Jump Force, an upcoming fighting game that will feature some of the bestselling manga characters from Shonen Jump in amazingly rendered arenas.

Here in the trailer, we see Goku from the Dragon Ball franchise, Naruto in his Kyuubi form, and Luffy from fan-favorite series One Piece. Catch a glimpse of Light and Ryuk from Death Note as well, where they are teased at the end bit of the clip.

With its release slated for 2019, Jump Force is to be available on gaming platforms PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via STEAM.

Watch the clip here:

Based on the Gameplay Demo released by IGN a few hours after the reveal, each player will be able to form a team of three, where characters battle it out against another set of 3 assembled by the opponent player.

From the quick interview in the demo video, producer Koji Nakajima said fans do not need to wait long to know the other characters that will also be playable in the game.

We’re loving what we’re seeing so far—good graphics, interesting concept, and great gameplay. If you’re an anime fan and to a certain extent a gamer too, then pretty sure you’re as psyched as we are. InqPOP!/Fidea Encarnacion


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