Here’s how you can avoid becoming a makeup hoarder

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Submitted by: Vanessa Reventar

As beauty brands continue to create new products, people continue to rush out and buy the newest 10-color eyeshadow palette or the latest reformulation of a lipstick formula. Because of the lucrative marketing practices of these beauty brands, consumers keep buying and buying until they’ve amassed a huge make up collection.

Don’t want to be the person who has too many blushes and not enough cheeks to use them on? Here’s two ways to prevent yourself from hoarding products:

Going On a No Buy

A No Buy is when you stop buying products for a period of time. Most people go on a no buy for a month, two months, or more depending on how much they want to save. This gives them the opportunity to look at their collection and assess what they really need or want. Others shop their stash to discover products in their collection that they haven’t given enough attention to.

This time is also used by some to create a wishlist and budget in order to buy a new item for the next time they allow themselves to buy money. Doing a No Buy is an effective way to avoid hoarding but for some it can prove to be difficult. An alternative to the No Buy is a Low Buy.

Below, beauty YouTuber Kat (KitschSnitch) explains how she does her low buy:

MY LOW BUY: What is a low buy, why am I doing it, and my progress.

MY LOW BUY: What is a low buy, why am I doing it, and my progress.

Project Pan

In an effort to use up products from their collection, some people select a few items and use them up for a few months to a year. Usually, items like foundation, mascara, lip products and other liquid- or creme- based products are the easiest to use up, but for someone who owns upwards of 20 lipsticks, getting to the bottom of the bullet might prove difficult. Project Pan is a way for people with a huge stash of make up to use them before their products expire. There are many ways to go about doing your own Project Pan but the most important is to set a realistic goal for yourself based on your makeup habits and the size of your collection.

Below, another beauty YouTuber, Kelly Gooch, describes what she’s learned from doing her first project pan:

PROJECT PAN-What I’ve Learned//Tips & Tricks

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