Meet Becky McCabe and Jessa Gillaspie, a couple from Memphis, Tennessee.

Last Sunday, the couple went to the Memphis Zoo and Aquarium with some of their friends. Both ladies planned to propose to their partner that day—without knowing that they’re planning the same thing!

What are the chances, right?
“I had no idea she planned to propose, and she had no idea I planned to propose to her! We were both so surprised!!!! We were surrounded by our friends and had the most amazing night. I am the luckiest girl in the world to be able to call her my fiancé,” Gillaspie wrote.
Gillaspie shared the moment on Facebook and as of this writing, the video has gone viral with over 600,000 views, 8,5oo shares, and 12,000 reactions.
“We had no idea this would blow up so quickly! But I can’t say I’m not thrilled, because all I’ve ever wanted was for Beck and the world to know how much l love her. We are overwhelmed with all of the positive responses. Really, you guys have no idea how much that means to us,” she added.
Watch the entire video below:
Love is so beautiful, you guys.
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