Meet Louis Spencer, Prince Harry’s ‘single’ cousin who’s ready to win your heart

There are three kinds of people who watched the Royal Wedding, namely the hopeless romantics, the fashionistas, and the heartbroken — those who wept over their crushed dreams of one day marrying the prince.

Luckily for the latter, there’s a new SINGLE royalty babe who’s caught the eyes of viewers worldwide and fun fact: he’s related to Prince Harry!

Meet Louis Frederick John Spencer, the nephew of the late Princess of Wales and Princes Harry and William’s first cousin.

Photo Credit:

The 24-year old shook the internet when he was spotted at the recent royal wedding with the rest of the Spencer family.

Photo Credit: In Style

Though not much is known about the Windsor princes’ cousin (other than the fact that he’s not married), a number of online users couldn’t help but admire the Viscount Althorp‘s good looks and killer smile.

Here’s what they had to say about him:

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How do you feel about Louis Spencer?

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