Directed by Chris Wedge who serves as the voice of Scrat in the “Ice Age” series, “Epic” follows a teenager who has been magically transported into an unknown deep forest revealing a hidden world unlike any other in an all new 3D CG action-adventure comedy. “Epic” tells the story of a battle raging all around us between the forces of good, who protect nature, and the forces of evil, who wish to see it destroyed. When a teen age girl finds herself magically transported into this secret universe, she must band together with a rag-tag team of fun and unique characters to save their world…and ours.
Joining in “Epic” is an all-stellar voice cast including Steven Tyler, Beyonce Knowles, Colin Farell, Amanda Seyfried, Josh Hutcherson, Pitbull, Johnny Knoxville, Jason Sudeckis and Blake Anderson.
Magical action and adventure for all ages opens when “Epic” (in 3D) unfolds in cinemas on May 29, 2013 from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros. (in Phils.)
Check 20thcenturyfoxph Youtube and 20th Century Fox Phils. (Facebook) for the trailer