This dog’s human-like face is freaking out the internet

Between cats and dogs, we all know that dogs are the closest to humans. They weren’t called “man’s best friend” for nothing. Dogs have a way of understanding their masters that they can even tell when they are happy or sad. Dogs also try to imitate human behavior—that often leaves us rolling on the floor laughing.

But this one particular dog has left all of us shookt because of its human-like face.

via Giphy 

Reddit user emceegrath shared this photo originally shared by the owner on Facebook. It features a one year old Shih-poo, Yogi, and his sister, Darla, an eight year old Shih Tzu.

via Reddit

Because the dog has such human-like eyes, you might think it’s a face swap at first glance.

But nope, there’s no face swapping or photoshop involved here. Due to his unique human-like features, Yogi instantly went viral. Twitterverse even matched him with his celebrity look alike—from Jake Gyllenhaal to Topher Grace and even Ed Sheeran!

Others were so creeped out by Yogi’s face that they can’t even stand to look at it.

The owner, Chantal Desjardins, shared in an interview that she never noticed Yogi’s human-like face until people pointed it out on social media. She further described him as a “hyper puppy who always wants to cuddle and play.”

No matter how you might find it, this is something that cannot be unseen.

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