Yo, minimalists: Marie Kondo of The KonMari Method is having her own Netflix show

Minimalism used to refer primarily to the American movement in visual arts and music wherein pieces are in its most simple form. But now, the word has taken on a different meaning–one that is connected to a deeper understanding of living one’s life stress-free because there is no clutter to stress of in the first place.

According to practicing minimalists Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus (Minimalism celebrities, really), the growing lifestyle movement basically helps people determine the things that actually add value to their lives. So by getting rid of clutter, people can make room for actual important things. But Japanese decluttering guru/celebrity Marie Kondo puts minimalism on a different playing field. For Kondo, it’s not merely just getting rid of clutter. Her technique, the one she developed herself and has simply named “The KonMari Method” encourages critical thinking for every piece of item you have in your life so as to make you understand why you’re getting rid of it in the first place. Basically, each item should be able to generate a ‘yes’ to the question, “Does this spark joy in my life?” If it’s a no, then it’s for the dumpster.

Kondo’s methodology has been widely praised as more and more people swear by its effectiveness. She has expanded her self-help brand into books, seminars, mobile app, web courses, even manga! And now, she will also be on Netflix, inspiring more people to ditch material things that do not make sense in their lives. She has announced this update on her Instagram account last Valentine’s Day:

So if you’re considering cleaning up your life, your mental state, your finances–it might be a good idea to start with the practice of the KonMari method and get tips from her. Just don’t lose that Netflix account. /VT


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