WATCH: These people got puppies for Christmas and their reactions are just priceless!

A lot of kids and kids-at-heart often wish that their loved ones got them a special gift to celebrate the holiday season. Whether it’d be the video game they’ve been coveting for months or the gadget they’ve been wanting for years, receiving a well-thought-of present is something we’d all like to experience during Christmas time.

Luckily for these individuals, their families knew exactly what to get them — a new puppy! And their reactions to opening the presents and discovering the adorable canines inside is one that’s truly priceless. Watch the video below to see how precious their reactions are to receiving their gifts:  

We truly hope that these brand-new dog owners can take care of the sweet little puppers they received this Christmas season. And from all of us at InqPOP!, we wish you guys a very Merry Christmas!

Via Giphy