Elderly couple kiss each other goodbye as they are separated a week before Christmas

Meet the couple, Herbert and Audrey Goodine.

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The Goodines been together for over 70 years. However this Christmas season, they will be separated for the first time as Herbert will be transferred to another facility to help with his Dementia.

In this video posted by Global News, Herbert is asked to relocate to another facility a week before Christmas. But before he leaves the home he shares with Audrey, he gives his wife an emotional kiss goodbye. 

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Herbert and Audrey’s daughter, Dianne Philips expresses her dismay at having her parents separate from each other one week before Christmas day.  “It’s unethical and it’s cruel. My mom [even] said ‘why could it not wait until after Christmas!’ [and] I’m very worried because when my mom is sad, she stops eating,” explains Philips in an interview with Global News.

Despite Philips’s pleas to have the move delayed, the officials at the facilities reminded her that they were just following protocol when it comes to patients with special needs.

Luckily, we can expect a reunion between the two elderly individuals as it is reported they’ll be together to celebrate Christmas day with Philips’s family.

Via Giphy

We definitely can’t wait to see the couple’s emotional reunion and here’s to hoping that they’ll be able to see each other more often even after Christmas is over!