This headline mishap in this newspaper is every editor’s worst nightmare

But at least the sales went a little further up!

We all have our own share of blunders in life. No matter how hard we try to make everything perfect, we are bound to make mistakes here and there. But even if we still make mistakes, we try to keep it at a minimum as much as possible.

So when the editor of Cambridge News UK failed to triple check the headline for the next day’s newspaper, we bet he wanted to dig a hole and bury his head in shame.

via Giphy

His mistake wasn’t a misspelling or a wrong punctuation, but he failed to include the headline and subheading for a particular issue. So what was printed and distributed was a newspaper that reads: “100PT SPLASH HERE.” Just below it was: “This is a strap over two decks with a reference to a PAGE HERE.”

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Of course, Twitter poked fun of the whole incident. People tweeted something as savage as:

While others think this issue may have brought their sales up because it’s not everyday you’ll see that kind of headline in a newspaper!

Cambridge News UK was quick to tweet their apology about the matter and said that the correct headline is found in their other newspaper.

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Well, that mistake was definitely as embarrassing as hell. But we can all agree with this guy, right?