ASEAN banner welcomes delegates to the ‘Philppines’ and people are blaming its “writter”

As we welcome world leaders for the 31st Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit, a banner greets delegates with a misspelling of our country’s name.

You know how we’re always the first to say how proud we are when our country gets praises abroad? Yet we also get triggered when other countries gets the littlest detail about us wrong—like the spelling of our country’s name.

This is why many were disappointed that our very own welcoming banner for the ASEAN delegates misspelled our country’s name as “Philppines” instead of Philippines. Despite the meticulous preparations for the summit, the tarpaulin’s copy must have skipped the proofreading process.

People are also blaming whoever the “writter” of this tarp’s copy is.

It’s probably too late, but the PCOO has now ordered the removal of the said tarp. (The internet keeps receipts though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)