Student takes selfies with her catcallers to raise awareness about street harassment

One of women’s daily woes is getting catcalled on the streets. There’s nothing more annoying and disgusting than when men flippantly and callously catcalls a lady passing by. And though women often just roll their eyes at the remark, it doesn’t mean men should keep doing it.

Noa Jansma, a 20-year-old student from Amsterdam, has been catcalled many times as well. And instead of just rolling her eyes or frowning at her offenders, she decided to put up a fight.

For a month, Jansma took selfies with her catcallers and posted it on the @dearcatcallers Instagram account she made. By doing so, she aims to raise awareness about the objectification of women in daily life.

But the results of her project speak volumes. Instead of a sense of shame, these catcallers proudly posed for a photo. And as her annoyed face is juxtaposed with their grinning and malicious faces, it is a clear statement that there’s nothing good about it.

If catcallers think that they are giving a lady a compliment whenever they wolf-whistle and say “sexy” or “baby,” I’m sorry to disappoint you but it is not—and will never be—a compliment.

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Women should be treated with respect—at all times. We are not asking men to treat us special, only to treat us right no matter what our age, color, race, or physical beauty is. Every person deserves to be treated with dignity at all times. It’s the least we can do.

Though Jansma’s project has already ended, she encourages other women to share their story and create a global dialogue about this issue.

Let’s bring it on, gals!

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