Office cat hustles money from passersby and donates it to charity

Meet Sir Whines-A-Lot, a tabby cat who lives in an office in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

CASHnip Kitty, Cat, Philanthropy, Sir Whines-A-Lot, Oklahoma, Tulsa, Cute,
Photo via CASHnip Kitty’s Facebook page.

He is like your other feline friends. He entertains his humans by walking on their keyboards, helping them send emails (though they are not ready to be sent yet), and purring his way around the office during break time.

Photo via CASHnip Kitty’s Facebook page.
Photo via CASHnip Kitty’s Facebook page.

But what his humans didn’t know is that Sir Whine-A-Lot is a freelance hustler at night.

Photo via CASHnip Kitty’s Facebook page.

Yep, you read that right. This adorable tabby cat isn’t just one lazy slob; he sure knows how to earn his keep. His humans noticed that there were several dollar bills at the door of the office one morning. They didn’t know how it got there and they decided to find out.

Photo via CASHnip Kitty’s Facebook page.

Turns out Sir Whines-A-Lot earns his dollar by playing with strangers who want to pet him by the office door. He playfully bats every dollar they slide through the gap in the door and then eventually rips it from their hands!

After his humans finally figured it all out, they decided to donate every dollar Sir Whines-A-Lot earns to the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless. They chose this foundation because according to the firm’s founder, Stuart McDaniel, Sir Whines-A-Lot used to be homeless before they adopted him.

Photo via CASHnip Kitty’s Facebook page.
Photo via CASHnip Kitty’s Facebook page.

Since Sir Whines-A-Lot started “hustling” money from bystanders, they have donated a total of $282.98 dollars to the charity under the pseudonym CASHnip Kitty. They have also put up a Facebook page for updates and online donations under the same name.

Photo via CASHnip Kitty’s Facebook page.
Photo via CASHnip Kitty’s Facebook page.
Photo via CASHnip Kitty’s Facebook page.

So that the public won’t feel cheated, the management have put an interesting sign for them:

And Sir Whines-A-Lot’s philanthropic work has gained him quite a few fans.

Way to go, CASHnip Kitty!