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Submitted by: Andy Canoy
After so many requests from fans, Wonder Woman finally gets her chance to shine on the big screen. So how does DC’s most iconic female superhero fare in her cinematic debut? I’m happy to report that it’s a success. OMG is the movie so damn GOOD!!! This film is for me better than the Christopher Nolan Batman movies which have gotten so much praise.There is just so much good to be said about this film.

Gal Gadot not only kills it as Wonder Woman, she slays it. Many had doubts of the casting because of her size, but man did she steal the show in her first film appearance in Batman V Superman. This film is no exception. WW is a warrior, not a puppet for objectifying women. Wonder Woman is a tricky character to portray. She may be a somewhat demi-god, but she can also feel pain and emotion just like any normal person. I love heroes that are powerful but flawed because it gives us more reason to get behind them. If they were perfect and never made mistakes, would you care about them? Chris Pine was a great side-kick. Steve Trevor provides so much humor and wit in World War 1. Both had fantastic chemistry which makes their relationship feel more organic. Even the side-characters were good additions. Even in a world filled with violence, its feel good that there are still people that care about helping one another.
The villains while slightly underdeveloped, were still very memorable. Bad guys can be physically strong, are powerful leaders, or they can be evil by influencing others. Really the true antagonist of the film is war, its many horrors, and how it corrupts people.
I super adored the scenery. Themyscira was such a beautiful island that I would love to travel to and the setting of World War I was a great choice because I get to see what London, Belgium, and Germany looked liked in the early 20th century.
When making a film with superheroes, you expect the soundtrack to kickass and holy cow does this movie deliver. Even if a lot of people disliked Batman V Superman, they can’t deny that the music was do damn good. The battles scenes coupled with the awesome music upgraded them from cool to amazingly badass. Its the kind of music that like the Mortal Kombat theme, makes me want to fight someone or something. I have to the applaud the music used during the emotional scenes. They were so superbly composed that I shed a little tear. Superheroes films can have both kick-ass music and beautiful tunes.
A lot of superheroes have some of the most iconic theme songs from Richard Donner’s Superman to Joss Wheedon’s Avengers. I must that Wonder Woman has the greatest theme of any hero ever. it invokes power, beauty, elegance and energy. The Tim Burton Batman theme used to be my favorite but this one owns it.
Wonder Woman is one of those superhero films that is awesome not just for the action but the storytelling as well. Here you have Diana Prince who has near godlike-powers and lives on a island full of Amazonian women only, has to travel to another world where war ravages homes and people are intolerant towards each other. While being out of her element, she tries to understand whats going on but at the same time fights for those that cannot defend themselves. It’s an action film, a romantic comedy, a coming-of-age story and, a period piece, and war movie all rolled into one. Above all else, it’s a story about humanity and hope. Not everyone is born good or evil. Sometimes people choose to do bad things because of either something tragic that has happened in their life or they feel that its the only way to make them feel better. In a world torn by violence, war, and intolerance, it feels comforting to enter a place where even just one person wants to do the right thing, even she is fictional. Most definitely go see this film. It is worth your money and time. If you missed it in theaters, definitely buy it on Blu-ray or download it.
I would love to meet Gal Gadot someday, shake her hand, and congratulate her for not just bringing the “greatest” female superhero to real life, but giving us a role-model that women and even men can aspire to be. She is officially joins the ranks of some of the greatest female badasses like Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, Carrie Fisher, Uma Thurman, and many more.