Every day women continue to fight for equality and prove that they are a force to be reckoned with. We may have come a long way but women are not afraid anymore to speak up for themselves and fight for what they deserve. These words to live by from these feminist celebrities continue to inspire and empower us as we face the world, with or without makeup!
Victoria Beckham
“I recently visited South Africa and was so touched by the women I met. I felt inspired and I came home and knew I had to do something. I’m going to speak on behalf of the incredible women and the incredible charities who are working so desperately hard in these countries. I’m going to lend my voice to them because for some reason people listen to me. I need to use what I have to make a difference.”
Angelina Jolie
“There is a global epidemic of violence against women — both within conflict zones and within societies at peace — and it is still treated as a lesser crime and lower priority. We need policies for long-term security that are designed by women, focused on women, executed by women — not at the expense of men, or instead of men, but alongside and with men.”
Natalie Portman
“I want women and men to be able to be full-time parents or full-time working people or any combination of the two. I want both to be able to do whatever they want sexually without being called names. I want them to be allowed to be weak and strong and happy and sad — human, basically.”
“I put the definition of feminist in my song and on my tour, not for propaganda or to proclaim to the world that I’m a feminist, but to give clarity to the true meaning. I’m not really sure people know or understand what a feminist is, but it’s very simple. It’s someone who believes in equal rights for men and women.”
Demi Lovato
“Women empowerment is using your voice to help the voiceless women be heard. Women empowerment is taking action now, not when it’s convenient. Women empowerment is leading other women to make actual changes in our society.”
Taylor Swift
“One thing I do believe as a feminist is that in order for us to have gender equality we have to stop making it a girl fight, and we have to stop being so interested in seeing girls trying to tear each other down. It has to be more about cheering each other on, as women.”
Ariana Grande
“I am tired of living in a world where women are mostly referred to as a man’s past, present or future property/possession. I do not belong to anyone but myself and neither do you.”
Ellen Page
“I don’t know why people are so reluctant to say they’re feminists. Maybe some women just don’t care. But how could it be any more obvious that we still live in a patriarchal world when feminism is a bad word?”
Lady Gaga
“A feminist to me is somebody that wishes to protect the integrity of women who are ambitious. A feminist in my opinion is somebody that regards that women have a strong intelligence and wisdom. That we are just as great as men — and some of us can be even better.”
Emma Watson
“Here’s what I think. Feminism is not here to dictate to you. It’s not prescriptive, it’s not dogmatic. All we are here to do is give you a choice. We want to empower women to do exactly what they want, to be true to themselves, to have the opportunities to develop. Women should feel free. There is no typical feminist, there is nothing anywhere that says you have to meet a certain [set of] criteria.”