This kid wrote a letter to NASA to be the next ‘Guardian of the Galaxy’

NASA is currently looking for a full time Planetary Protection Officer that sparked a lot of buzz from the internet, most of them just poked fun about the whole idea.

But if social media is hilariously responding to NASA’s current job posting, this kid is not going to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Jack Davis, a fourth grader, decided to write to NASA expressing his intent on becoming their next Planetary Protection Officer. His letter, posted via Reddit by the a family friend, contained reasons why he is most qualified for the position.

Jack Davis, NASA, Planetary Protection Officer, Letter, Job, Star Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy

Reddit users praised the kid for his well-written cover letter — saying that it was way better than adults and that he is definitely most qualified for the job.

Jack signed his letter as:

Jack Davis
Guardian of the Galaxy
Fourth Grade

Other people pointed it out as something that makes him more appropriate for the position.

He could be the next Star Lord, right?

Jack Davis, NASA, Planetary Protection Officer, Letter, Job, Star Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy

Some users gave their encouragement to Jack and wished him the best of luck!

Good luck, kid. Make sure to keep our planet safe and we do hope NASA receives your letter!

Jack Davis, NASA, Planetary Protection Officer, Letter, Job, Star Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy

UPDATE: NASA responds to Jack Davis’s letter!

The 9-year-old kid who applied for NASA’s current vacancy, Planetary Protection Officer, through a very impressive letter has received a reply from none other than the director of Planetary Science Division, Dr. James L. Green.

Recruiters from NASA were thrilled that they there were able to inspire young kids like Jack. The director encouraged the boy to study hard and told him that they are excited to see him in NASA one of these days. Dr. Green described this instance as “a gravity assist”. Jack Davis’s letter is “a boost that may positively and forever change a person’s course in life, and our footprint in the universe.”

But that was not all! Aside from this letter from Dr. Green, Jack also got a call from Jonathan Rall, NASA’s Planetary Research Director, who congratulated him for applying for the job!

And we are all like:

Jack Davis, NASA, Planetary Protection Officer, Letter, Job, Star Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy

Way to go, Jack!