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Submitted by: Vianca Antonette Catibog
Let’s admit it we all do weird things that can be considered an unusual habit. Sometimes, we think that we’re the only person who do those things but people have different habits too. Let’s see if your weird habits made it on the list. So, here are 15 weird things we do all the time.
#1 Smelling books

#2 Pulling out your eyelashes and/or eyebrows

#3 Popping your pimples or zits
#4 Stroking your hair all the time
#5 Having imaginary conversations in your head
#6 Sucking your thumb or other fingers
#7 Chewing or biting nails
#8 Covering your face with a pillow
#9 Licking the flavoring off of potato chips before eating them
#10 Biting your lower or upper lip
#11 Playing with your earrings, jewelry or wristwatch
#12 Tapping your fingers to beats
#13 Eating your hair
#14 Talking to yourself
#15 Touching the side of your nose with a forefinger