10 weird Filipino superstitions you believed as a kid

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Submitted by: Vianca Antonette Catibog

Most of our relatives (lola, mommy and tita) used to tell us some of the strangest things growing up. These were also known as beliefs and superstitions from the old saying of our ancestors to warn us and prevent dangers from happening. And most of us (Filipinos) practiced these beliefs even though we’re not sure it it’s true or not. That’s why we got you a list of some of the weirdest Filipino superstitions you’re parents make you believe when you were a kid.

#1: You should not walk over someone if they are lying down because they will never grow taller.

Photo credits to: @AliceSeddona (twitter)

#2: If you take a picture with 3 people the middle person will die.

#3: You should not sleep while you are hungry because your spirit will go to a place where there’s food and it will become trapped there.

#4: If you get a wound, a grain of rice or trains will come out of it.

Photo credits to: WiseGeek

#5: If you will sleep with wet hair, it will make you crazy, bald or blind.

#6: If you are lost, turn your clothes inside out because the elves are teasing you.

#7: Dropping utensils means that someone’s coming. If a spoon falls, a woman will come. If a fork falls, a man will arrive.

#8: If you point your finger at night or at trees at night you have to bite your finger because if you don’t you’ll have bad luck.

#9: You should jump on New Year’s eve so you’ll get taller and grow faster.

#10: When you bite your tongue, choose a number between 1 to 26 and determine its corresponding letter from the alphabet. The first one that pops into your head whose name starts with that letter means that the person just thought about you.