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Submitted by: Vianca Antonette Catibog

Are you looking for a fun and exciting game application to try? You might want to download this app and get to know how this cartoon genie can guess who’s on your mind.
Akinator is a mobile application and an internet game developed by French programmers and was released in 2007 is an app that can read your mind by asking series of questions to determine a real or fictional character you are thinking about.
Want to play the game? Know the basics first. In order to begin, the player must think of a popular character, may it be an actor, fictional film or TV character, politician, athlete, musician or any public figure. Then a cartoon genie will start asking series of question but the player need to answer “Yes”, “No”, “Probably”, “Probably not” and “Don’t know” for the genie to guess who’s on the player’s mind. It also lets the player add questions or even upload the pictures of the characters they are thinking if Akinator did not guess the character after the player finished the game.
If you want to have an online time-killer, you need to try this app and be amazed on how the cartoon genie will be able to nearly guess the exact person or character you have in mind. This sounds super interesting, right? Check and try the app now.