Videographer Gray Grayson had an incredible encounter with an Atlantic Grey Seal while Scuba Diving near the Scilly Isles off the Cornish coast, in southwest England. Two seals were swimming around him and one of them seemed to be trying to catch Gary’s attention.

The seal swims right up to Gary, touching its nose to his and exposing his belly just like a dog asking its master to pet him. Well, can we all agree that seals are the dogs of the sea and just call them “Water Dogs” or “Sea Doggo”?

“It really shows how sweet, curious and dog-like [seals] are,” Ally McMillan, CEO of Seal Rescue Island, told the Huffington Post in an interview.

In the video, some people also noticed that after the first seal left, the second one swam to Gary as well but got ignored. Poor baby probably just wanted a belly rub too!
The YouTube video uploaded in 2014 resurfaced on the internet and regained popularity from people who love seals after The Dodo made a writeup about it. As of now, the video has more than 10 million views on YouTube.