Porn site RedTube sponsors amateur soccer team

One of the world’s biggest porn sites, RedTube, is sponsoring Washington Square F.C., an amateur soccer team from Massachusetts. The sponsorship was welcomed by both the team and its fans who are now calling themselves RedTube Nation.

It all started over a night at a local pub. Team captain Jon Klippert and former player Jaime Skelton were joking about getting sponsored by a porn company.

“We thought it would be funny, but also, I thought of it as one of those jokes where it’s funny but would never happen,” said Klippert.

“But Jaime has a great talent for writing and is one for great wit.

“So, he crafted a letter, then he and I did some edits, took a screen shot, and sent it to RedTube’s Twitter.

“Here is where we met Emma, who runs their social media account and as soon as it went up, we got over 50 likes and are still getting more.

“She DM’d us and I spoke with her about what would be in the details of the agreement.

“It’s actually pretty legendary because no one else has this from the top teams all the way down to amateurs.

“It’s a bit odd to have it, and some people think it’s controversial, but let’s be real here, it’s a men’s league club and we have done something that is unique.”

This isn’t the first time a porn site sponsored a sports team. Pornhub has also sponsored several European football clubs in the past. However, because Pornhub has the word “porn” in their name, these teams were ordered to drop the sponsorship or risk getting banned from their league.

This might be good news for Washington Square F.C., because “RedTube” doesn’t really mean anything. Unless you’re already a fan of the site, their name tells you nothing about the nature of their content.

Congrats on that sponsorship, lads! May the fap be with you.