Internet meme Querubin Llavore shares hilarious ‘random’ experience while waiting for food delivery in Dubai

Sometimes, even the most mundane tasks can take a turn for the extraordinary, like how the viral Pinay singer recently discovered this as she had no idea that her food delivery wait would turn into a comedy of errors.

In a recent post, singer and internet meme Querubin Llavore shared her hilarious experience, asking “Ganito ba mga mayayaman sa Dubai? [Are wealthy people like this in Dubai?]”

Querubin narrated that while waiting for her food delivery at the ground floor of a hotel, she decided to help her driver find her location by snapping a photo of the building’s front without noticing that the luxury car was also in the frame.

Yet, unknowingly, the car’s owner was watching and misinterpreted her actions as admiration for his vehicle, saying, “Come here, take a picture with my car.”

Despite her attempts to explain that she was just trying to show her location to the delivery driver, the man persisted. Adding to the hilarity, the owner’s wife chimed in, laughing while encouraging her to go ahead.

Caught in the amusing situation, Querubin gave in, standing and posing awkwardly beside the expensive car while the couple looked on, amused.

Of course, the Filipino community is quick to shower their reactions, imagining how awkward and funny the situation is.

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Indeed, what started as a simple wait for her food turned into an impromptu photoshoot, leaving her with an amusing story and unexpected photos to share with her friends—a perfect snapshot of the random, funny moments that make Dubai unique.

How about you? What will you do if you’re in that situation?


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