UP Ecotour to hold NCES 2024 themed ‘Initiating Climate Action towards a Sustainable Tomorrow’

After a four-year hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic, the UP Environment and Tourism Society (UP Ecotour), a cause-oriented organization based in the Asian Institute of Tourism – UP Diliman, demonstrates its dedication to climate action by reigniting one of its flagship events the National Congress on Environmental Sustainability (NCES).

Since its commencement in 2019, NCES has championed urgent advocacies on environmental issues, sustainable and cultural development, and the appreciation of the arts. Taking another step forward, its mission extends to immersing the student community and academe in key activities throughout the event that highlight youth involvement and environmental protection with tourism.

Now more than ever, as the world faces aggravating climate issues including extreme weather conditions, degradation of ecosystems, and loss of biodiversity, its vulnerability has become more apparent and alarming. In this critical time to take action, NCES makes its earnest and revitalized comeback with the theme “NCES 2024: Initiating Climate Action towards a Sustainable Tomorrow”. Highlighting SDG 13: Climate Action, UP Ecotour hopes to become part of the solution by spearheading collective efforts to inspire meaningful change in pursuit of a greener, more sustainable future for all.

This May 25, 2024 (Saturday), from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the School of Statistics Auditorium, University of the Philippines Diliman, UP Ecotour takes action with an educational space. The day-long event promises a fun and engaging environment with activities such as the Domestikwhiz and kaLIKHAsan competitions which will allow youth participants to exhibit their knowledge of both domestic and international tourism centered on natural and cultural heritage, emphasizing harmonious coexistence.

Initially starting as one of UP Ecotour’s flagship events, the Domestikwhiz has since integrated into the National Congress on Environmental Sustainability. The quiz bee will be held on-site and tackle topics on environmental sustainability, sustainable tourism development, and domestic tourism. kaLIKHAsan is an online art competition that aims to serve as an avenue for students to advocate for environmental awareness and sustainability by crafting a poster answering the question “How can we shape a sustainable future for our cultural heritage and environment?”

NCES 2024 will be graced by its esteemed lineup of speakers for the panel discussions with Atty. Gloria “Golly” Estenzo Ramos, Oceana’s Vice President, and Ms. Lea Guerrero, the Country Director of Greenpeace Philippines.

In line with the event’s commitment to youth engagement and climate action, the beneficiary of the national congress is an organization with a shared advocacy. Introducing the beneficiary of NCES 2024, Youth Strike 4 Climate Philippines stands as one of the pioneering, youth-led climate movements in the country. It is a nationwide youth-led organization and campaign in the Philippines, driven by the goal of empowering young Filipinos to address the climate crisis and humanizing climate activism through storytelling and activism. Comprising a network of Sangguniang Kabataan, youth and student organizations, advocacy groups, and individuals across various regions, cities, and municipalities, the movement demands bold and concrete climate action from the Philippine Government.

NCES 2024 is open to all environmental advocates and tourism students from high schools and colleges within and outside the University of the Philippines Diliman. Interested participants may register for the Domestikwhiz competition until May 17, 2024 and for the plenary discussions until May 25, 2024. Conference kit, Certificates, and Packed lunch will be given to the attendees of the event.

Regular Registration Link: bit.ly/NCES2024_ReguralRegistration

Your support would mean a lot to our organization and to our chosen beneficiary Youth Strike 4 Climate Philippines. A national youth-led and youth-serving organization and campaign for Filipino youth in climate action. Attached herewith is the event primer for your perusal.

Should you have any questions or concerns, you may directly send us an email at nces.ecotour@gmail.com as we are very much open to address any concern or inquiry with you.

This is sustainable tourism creating proactive change towards the future. This is NCES 2024: Initiating climate action towards a sustainable tomorrow. 

This event is presented by UP Ecotour.