Sell your soul to the devil and be a spell-casting black wizard! Here’s how.

Horror movie icon Vincent Price is known for starring in some of the freakiest, campiest films churned out by Hollywood. His body of work has built him a niche, but solid, following among horror fans. In 1969, he recorded what is probably one of the creepiest spoken-word albums ever made: Witchcraft-Magic: An Adventure in Demonology.

This 2-disc, demon-drenched masterpiece released by Capitol Records teaches budding occultists useful life skills such as casting spells, summoning demons, and, for the most ardent fan of evil, how to sell your soul to Satan.

The first disc is still pretty tame, all things considered. It’s just Price talking about kid-friendly stuff like Nazi occult practices, the history of witchcraft in Europe, and the horrendous tortures that happened during the Salem Witch Trials.

Disc Two is where things really go apeshit.

It begins with Price asking if “you have the heart” for demon summoning and witchcraft, and goes right to the basics of witchcraft and the invocation of demons. Yep. Price tells you exactly how to summon hell’s most upstanding citizens into your home for a party you won’t forget — and how to keep yourself safe when they arrive.

Ready to summon such adorable characters as “a scaly dog with yellow eyes,” “a fantastic holothurian with a grinning head,” “a snake with the face of a baby,” and a “beautiful baboon in royal robes”? Here’s the complete album for your listening pleasure. Let us know how it works out for you!