Japanese man completes marathon wearing traditional wooden sandals

Completing a marathon is probably one of the most grueling things you’ll ever accomplish in your life. Now imagine finishing one, while wearing something wooden on your feet.

Hardcore, right?

Recently, a man in Japan finished the Osaka Marathon wearing traditional sandals that can be compared to wooden clogs with short stilts.

The seasoned runner completed the 42 km race in just less than three and a half hours, a feat that obviously not everyone can achieve. Takanobu Minoshima was among the runners who took part in the Osaka Marathon 2023 held last February 26.

The sandals that he was wearing are called geta. These sandals are wooden clogs balanced on either one or two stilts. In his case, his geta seems to only have one tooth per sandal, which means it required more skills for the man to balance on it while running.

In a video uploaded on his Facebook page, he was seen sprinting gingerly, as if he were tip-toeing, as the other runners around him ran with such ease.

Regardless of the uncomfortable footwear, Mr. Minoshima was all smiles as he crossed the 15.5 km mark, even waving to the audience. Reaching the 27 km mark, he made a u-turn which was more challenging for him considering his choice of footwear.

In the end, Mr. Minoshima completed the 42 km marathon in three hours, 28 minutes, and 55 seconds, with each of his 5-kilometer splits averaging just under 25 minutes.

The Japanese runner comes from the city of Sapporo, Hokkaido, and is reportedly fond of Japanese tradition as well as sports. Thus, his decision to run marathons while wearing Japanese footwear is a culmination of both his interests.

Sohu reports that this is the 12th time that Mr. Minoshima has run in a marathon wearing a pair of one-tooth getas.


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