Hugh Jackman’s 2013 video interview with a former student is taking the internet by storm–again

Ever wonder what is it like to have Wolverine as your P.E. teacher?

An old video of actor Hugh Jackman running into a former student during the Zurich Film Festival back in 2013 have caught the internet’s attention again.

The journalist Rollo Ross was getting into business during his interview with Jackman when the actor interrupted him to say: “Rollo, I’m sorry mate, but we go way back. I used to teach you at a high school in P.E., and I want to know how your physical education is progressing. It’s very important to me.”

Apparently, this was all for laughs because prior to this encounter, Ross shared that he interviewed the actor for X-Men: Days of Future Past. During that interview, Jackman kept looking at him in a funny way and told him that he knew him. Ross blurted out that he was his former student and the actor was shocked and eventually recalled him. Ross added that ever since then, the actor’s been teasing him whenever they bump into each other.

Check out how hilarious Hugh Jackman’s answers were to Ross’s questions!

The video that was recently reposted by Unilad on their Facebook page, gathered 10M views, 76K+ shares and 16K comments! Fans just can’t help but laud Jackman for who he is!

Hugh Jackman, Rollo Ross, Interview, Former Student, Old video

Hugh Jackman, Rollo Ross, Interview, Former Student, Old video

Hugh Jackman, Rollo Ross, Interview, Former Student, Old video

Hugh Jackman, Rollo Ross, Interview, Former Student, Old video