June 3, 2022 – Manila, Philippines — With the country on the road to economic recovery after the unprecedented effects of the pandemic, mobility restrictions are easing and businesses have started to reopen. McDonald’s Philippines is also back in full swing, with the reopening of its party room doors for families and friends to celebrate together again at McDonald’s. After two years of offering an alternative McDo Party Box for Filipinos celebrating in the safety of their homes, customers can once again book a McDo Party to celebrate their birthdays, anniversaries, or any other milestones.

McDonald’s Philippines President and CEO Kenneth S. Yang and Ronald McDonald House Charities Ambassador Cindy Y. Yang visited birthday parties over the past weekends, bringing exclusive gifts for the celebrants and special treats for their guests
“We are very excited to have friends and families back in our stores to celebrate, after two years of not being able to physically get together,” shares Yang.

Despite adjustments like having no physical contact games and blowing of candles during the cake ceremony, McDo Parties are still sure to be a feel-good time for the whole family, with the decorated party room, full program hosting by Guest Experience Managers, exciting prizes and gifts, and of course, a menu of McDonald’s favorites.
In the same way McDonald’s Philippines was quick to act on and address its customers at the start of the pandemic, the company now gives Filipinos that same assurance that the return of the McDo Party will not take away the importance of being M Safe. With McDonald’s store crew following stringent health and safety protocols, the company continues to show its commitment to safety not only for its customers, but all its employees too.
“We are doing every McDo Party a little differently now – like customers have to wear our face masks except when eating, vaccination is required for 18 years old and we encourage frequent hand sanitation to make sure everyone is M Safe. Customers can be assured that our crew and managers are also doing the same. They are required to wear face masks, sanitize their hands every 30 minutes and they are fully vaccinated. At McDonald’s, we believe that safety starts with us so you can feel-good and feel-safe at all times,” added Yang.
Now that the McDo Party is back, celebrate more than just a birthday; celebrate family, friends, and feel-good and feel-safe moments at McDonald’s! Book your next celebration at McDo Party by visiting a McDonald’s store near you or read more about it at https://mcdonalds.com.ph/press-center/mcdo-party