Three undeniable reasons why Austen classics are must-reads for women-2

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2. The fictional romances are swoon-worthy.

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Via Giphy

Seriously, who wouldn’t want to have Mr. Darcy say that he “ardently admires and loves you,” or have Captain Wentworth proclaim that he has “loved none but you”?


3. Her stories explore the complexities of love.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that not all relationships work out, especially when there are different factors at-play.

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Via Giphy

Austen explores this concept thoroughly in her novels, as each heroine goes through love’s ups and downs before finding their very own happily-ever-afters.

Don’t miss out on these great reads, because as Jane Austen says: “The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.”