Tilda Swinton’s doggy lookalike needs to win an Oscar

Just a few days ago, the world was introduced to Tilda Swinton‘s K-9 doppelganger, Bianca!

Bianca the dog
Via Twitter.com/Jenn Rubenstein

She joined the 2017 Oscars buzz when she appeared in Jimmy Kimmel‘s segment, Mean Tweets – Oscars edition.

In Kimmel’s segment, Academy Award winning actress, Tilda Swinton can be seen reading The Natitude‘s Tweet comparing her appearance to that of the dog’s.

Via Youtube.com

The photo was first tweeted by Bianca’s owner, Jenn Rubenstein, last August 2015. But in light of the 89th Academy Awards show, The Natitude decided to pin the photo of the dog alongside the actress’s portrait.

Comments on their comparison have been tweeted and retweeted by multiple American media outlets like the ABC 7 News, Elle Magazine and the Rolling Stone.

Via Twitter.com/The Natitude

But this dog’s fifteen minutes of fame has yet to be over!

Since Bianca has an Instagram account full of pictures and videos of her antics and adventures.

Via Instagram.com/biancabuckeye

It looks like we’ll be seeing more of Tilda Swinton’s animal twin online, after all!

Via Giphy