Well, he definitely isn’t Selena Gomez, but this guy couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
Yesterday, Nicole Sumagui tweeted photos of her friend, Ryiene Espino, who injured her hand after punching a guy who took advantage of her inside the LRT.
Espino proved that “females are strong as hell” and she’s not someone perverts should mess with.
Even though it’s unclear how the guy took advantage of her, giving him a punch that injured her hand must’ve had a good reason why. Well, why else would she hurt her precious hand if what the guy did to her was just “nothing,” right?
After the tweet became viral, friends and other people showed support to Espino through Sumagui’s tweet:
I hope you get well really soon, amazing woman!!
— wanderl(o)st (@ntn3141592) January 30, 2017
Some men harbor this illusion that women are generally “nice” and wouldn’t resort to violence. They think they can get away with taking advantage of them in crowded places and that they wouldn’t do anything except call the guy out, maybe report it to the authorities, or as is almost always the case, keep mum about it.
Being in a confined space with strangers, doesn’t give you an excuse to let your hands loose. It’s a good thing that women these days are capable of standing up for themselves when they are being harassed.
It’s a sad fact that we have to have a Female Only section in our train system simply because there are men out there who can’t control themselves in public.
Nothing justifies taking advantage of someone, no matter their gender. We can all tell whether a touch is intentional or not — and when we sense you’re being a perv, all hell will break loose.