This student-made ad for a sportswear brand will make you want to ‘Break Free’

Sometimes we may feel like we’re stuck in a life where we think all we need is a bit of fresh air to feel free, to feel alive, and probably, to feel like our old selves again.

In a spec commercial created by German student Eugen Merher, an old man in a retirement home yearns to break free from his stagnant life, remembering his glory days as a former marathon runner in his old Adidas sneakers. Despite several attempts, caretakers at the facility always block his desire to go out. But with a little bit of help from his friends, he was able step out and run again in the fresh air.

Merher, a 26-year-old German student at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, initially sent the ad for Adidas but didn’t get any response from the company.

“We tried sending it to [Adidas’] communications department but they didn’t really react,” Merher told The Huffington Post.

The video has gone viral with over 1.5 million views on YouTube, with people commending the incredibly moving story. Maybe that will make Adidas regret and rethink their decisions.

The relatable story of the Merher’s project serves as an inspiration for all of us to step out no matter how hard it is to reach for the door, to never lose our fire and desire to pursue our passion, and just simply learn how to break free.