A collective of anonymous artists who go by the name “Anonymouse” decided to create tiny shops for mice in Sweden that looks like it was taken straight out of a movie. Remember that scene in Disney’s “Ratatouille” where Remy and his other rat friends hang out and dine in at the “La Ratatouille” bistro’s roof where there’s a place specially created for them?

People passing by the city of Malmö in Sweden are checking out these shops that are just the right size for mice called “Noix de Vie” and “Il Topolino.” Anonymouse even told Huffington Post that someone even baked miniature buns and added posters to the street art installation.
Aside from the well-crafted interiors of the shops with mice posters of upcoming concerts, events, and a miniature bicycle to boot, both shops offer food like nuts and cheese that any mouse will surely enjoy.
It makes us wonder what it would be like to see a parallel universe where mice live just like us humans — shopping, eating, and hanging out in these adorable little shops.
Check out Anonymouse’s Instagram for more pictures and info!