21 ‘Eye-opening’ Truths About People Who Can’t Easily Sleep At Night

What is sleep?


1. Thinking that you have to wake up early in the morning makes you want to cry… or die.

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Yoko na.


2. When people ask you why you stay up all night, you don’t have a definite reason.

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3. But you know that sometimes this is the real reason why:

Can't sleep


4. Or maybe you spent the night contemplating about your life.

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At 2 am: “What am I doing with my life?”


5. This comparison perfectly describes you.



6. Your brain is basically asleep during the day.

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Sabaw: minsan nasa bulalo, madalas nasa ulo mo.


7. Early morning conversations aren’t the best way to start your day…

morning conversations

Don’t @ me.


8. …because sometimes they won’t get much sense talking to you.

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9. And during the day, you find it hard to process things…

Your brain during the day
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Your brain during the day: Ceilings, blank spaces, empty papers — just noises.


10. …because it’s programmed to function better at night.

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Your brain at night: Science, Politics, “What’s the purpose of my existence?”


11. TBH, you actually finish a lot of things at night.

night owl
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So ~*productive*~


12. Your eyes and brain every night:

every night
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13. Seriously, you even think of random things just when you’re about to go to sleep.

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Ideas. Lots and lots of ideas.


14. From rainbows and unicorns, to crippling late-night anxieties.

via The Awkward Yeti


15. Some of the most important questions pop into your head.

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Well, don’t you ever wonder?

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16. You can’t escape the curse of insomnia.

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17. So you spend the night binge-watching.

You: 1 episode na lang.
*3 hours after*

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18. And when you go for straight long hours without sleep, people ask you if really know what sleep is.

night owl
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Keri pa, mga bes. *faints*


19. This is why you’ve embraced the panda life because of them eyebags.

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via Giphy

The panda is me!


20. Delivery men are your life-savior because late night cravings are inevitable.

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Thank you 24/7 delivery!


21. And your worst enemy?

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*snoozes alarm*