5 simple hacks to make your mornings better

The INQUIRER POP dishes out tips to a better morning!

By Krizia Dela Cruz


Is your yearbook motto “Better late than never”? Do you feel like you’re in your own version of Groundhog Day, except everyday you relive that moment of rushing out the door to catch the bus to work? And are you seriously running late again? InqPOP gives you 5 easy hacks to a worry-free morning.

1.) Adjust your watch to 10-15 minutes earlier.


Take advantage of the sleepyhead in you and fool your brain into thinking that you’re running late.

2.) Prepare clothes and bag the night before


This one is for the people who hold mini fashion shows just to find the perfect outfit for work. Preparing things the night before will save you a lot of time in the morning.

3.) Stop glancing at your watch while on the van/train/jeep/bus


Or better yet, just wear your watch when you get to the office. Worrying about the things you can’t control (like traffic and the long wait at the MRT platform) won’t do you any good.

4.) Never skip breakfast

If you can’t sneak in a bite at home, you can always bring your food at work.

5.) Drink coffee at the right time, not right after waking up


Feel like you’ve developed a high tolerance for coffee? Get your caffeine boost only when your cortisol levels are down. This occurs at 9:30-11:30 am and 1:30-5:00 pm.

Hope you have better mornings from here on! Cheers.


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