1.) Inquirer Multimedia is inviting everyone to join the raffle at lunch time! All you have to do is text INQ <space> company <space> full name send to 2948 for a chance to win cool gadgets and an APPLE Watch! Don’t forget to drop your fully-stamped passports to get a chance to win in the raffle draw to be held later during INQUIRER Multimedia segment at 3:40pm. Cool gadgets and an APPLE Watch awaits!
2.) Snap and upload a selfie of your favorite IMMAP2015 moment or with Inquirer Group’s loveable mascot Guyito. Post a status on Inquirer.net’s Facebook (facebook.com/inquirerdotnet) or Twitter (twitter.com/inquirerdotnet) or Instagram (instagram.com/inquirerdotnet)along with the hashtag #INQatIMMAP to score 1 stamp and a cool gadget organizer!
3.) Get a chance to win an apple watch, TV sets, tablets and books at this year’s IMMAP summit! Just download the Inquirer Mobile App and follow Inquirer on your favourite chat apps! Then head out to the Inquirer Multimedia booth and have your passports stamped to score awesome items!
4.) Get your complimentary 1-year free access to Inquirer Plus! Just download “InquirerPlus” from Windows, Google Play and Apple App Store! Then bring your app-installed device to the Inquirer Multimedia booth for your account activation!
5.) Drop your business card or filled-in info stub at the Inquirer Multimedia booth to earn a stamp! Collect all four stamps on your passport for a shot at winning a spankin’ new Apple Watch!
6) If you join in the text raffle, you will get a chance to win one free workshop slot for the MOBILE MARKETING PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOP which will be held on November 11-12, 2015 at the Inquirer Academy Building in Makati City. Another free workshop slot will be given for the ISSUES AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT MEDIA Workshop which will be held on October 22-23, 2015. Winners will be announced during the Lunch Raffle.