With all the heart and humor audiences expect from Walt Disney Animation Studios (“Frozen,” “Wreck-It Ralph”), “Big Hero 6” is an action-packed comedy-adventure about robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who learns to harness his genius—thanks to his brilliant brother Tadashi and their like-minded friends: adrenaline junkie Go Go Tomago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred.
“Hiro’s older brother Tadashi has created this cutting-edge robot Baymax who’s designed to take care of people,” says director Don Hall (“Winnie the Pooh”). “Baymax’s one programmed desire is ‘How can I help?’ He’s filled with compassion. And Hiro is a teenager who has lost his way—their personalities play off each other in a way that is both funny and heartwarming.”
“The story follows the emotional journey between Hiro and Baymax after the tragic passing of Hiro’s brother,” says director Chris Williams (“Bolt”). “Hiro grows really close to the robot, finds new hope in him and emerges from his despair.”
Producer Roy Conli (“Tangled”) says that family—the kind that you’re born with and the kind you find—is at the core of the movie. “It’s a powerful theme that audiences relate to,” says Conli. “The nuances of the relationships in deeply emotional films like ‘Bambi’ or ‘The Lion King’ are so interesting. There’s something about these stories that can really touch people.”
Inspired by the Marvel comics of the same name, and featuring adrenaline-pumping action, heartfelt emotion and plenty of humor, “Big Hero 6” hits Philippine theaters in 3D on Nov. 5, 2014.