Think twice while you scroll and post this campaign season

Every social media platform that we have at our disposal gives each and every person their very own megaphone. We’re all shouting into the void, and we don’t have the power to control how other people receive and react to these. This may seem obvious, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of this fact from time to time.  

For better or worse, we all have the power to publicize any and all of our thoughts, while simultaneously absorbing those of others as well. Like Bo Burnham said (or, more accurately, sung), the internet is “a little bit of everything all of the time.” 

This continues to become even more relevant now with campaign season creeping into the back of everybody’s mind. If it was ever necessary to have a prudent and critical eye when scrolling through social media, it becomes doubly so as we approach campaign season. 

Social media, at its core, is a gift. It allows us to connect with one another no matter how many miles separate us. It allows us to learn more about the world around us and all the millions of other people living within it as well. 

But do keep in mind, the internet’s reach is almost all encompassing. Within its enormous arms, social media cradles all types of people. It is impossible for everyone who is online to have the exact same ideals as you, and impractical to believe that you can convince every single one of them to share your beliefs. 

Post with caution. Of course, you have a right to speak your mind, everybody does. But with this freedom comes a responsibility. A responsibility to acknowledge the power behind your words, no matter how many followers you may have. It is your responsibility to recognize the effects that your words may have on both yourself and others. Your words have weight, whether you realize it or not. 

Post to your heart’s content, but post with an informed mind. Remember that even if the delete button is there, once someone sees what you say, you can’t delete the impression it makes in their brains. Sure, mistakes happen and it’s important to (graciously) learn from them, but they can be prevented. 

Again, scroll with a prudent and critical eye. Understand that not everyone thinks like you and be open to seeing how other people think too. Be open, but also know when to stand your ground. A part of having beliefs and values means having to stand up for them sometimes. It’s okay to get angry, but never let rage drive your posting habits. 

Know when to stand up for yourself and know when to take a step back. Constantly being bombarded with all kinds of noise from all sides can be taxing. Social media breaks may be a necessary option this campaign season. 

The least that we can do at this time is to have hope. Don’t give up on the Philippines before even giving it a chance. Register to vote and choose hope. One vote can make all the difference in changing the future trajectory of our country.