Tamagotchi 2.0: This nostalgic pocket toy is back with a new look

The OG 90’s pocket-sized virtual pet toy, Tamagotchi, has returned with a new look to commemorate its 25th anniversary.

As the older Tamagotchis were famously difficult to keep alive because they required constant attention, this latest version aids even the most neglectful of owners.

Japanese toy maker Bandai has recently announced that “Tamagotchi Smart” will be available to the public by this year.


Via Bandai website


The announcement had Twitter users excited about the new Tamagotchi that looks like a smart watch.



The new Tamagotchi toy allows users to count their steps and tell the time. Just like a digital watch,  it features a touch screen that allows wearers to interact with their virtual pets.

Users may even converse with the watch, which apparently have speech recognition capabilities. The watch also includes a Tama SmaCard, a card that allows users to upload their pet into the device.


Via Bandai website

Bandai has also collaborated with Japanese girl group Niziu in celebrating Tamagotchi’s 25th anniversary with a candy-colored promotional video.


Tamagotchi mania

Everyone had a virtual pet back in the 1990s. It seemed like a 24/7 responsibility as everyone made the effort to watch over their pets. Tamagotchis have even been confiscated in classrooms where users were caught caring for their pets during class time.

While some consider the Tamagotchi mania to be a nuisance, others argue that they can teach children about responsibility in pet ownership.


Via Google


The classic toy remains nostalgic specially for the millennial generation as many of them had Tamagotchis growing up. There is no phone app or digital connection that can replace the accessibility of this toy as a small keychain with three buttons.

Currently the new Tamagotchi is being offered in a lottery where those who are interested have to spend 7,480 yen (or 3,282.77 pesos). The lottery will take place starting June 17 at 11:00 a.m. and July 2 at 11:00 p.m. JST. The winners will be revealed later this month.

The Tamagotchi Smart will be available on November 23, 2021. The toys will not be distributed internationally in its first launch, but hopefully they will be available soon.

We can’t wait to get our hands on this nostalgic toy again!




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